Our Networks 2024

Does not (cloud) compute

July 27, 2024

312 Main

Vancouver, BC

What does collaboration and presence look like when a network is optional? What connections are possible when we leave our data at the door and spend a day on local networks? What new metaphors will help us create spaces for meaningful and different relations partially online?

Last year provided an opening up a decade after platforms foreclosed on a sense of possibility of an earlier web. Turmoil on social media was the backdrop for creative experimentation with protocols and in networked spaces. Yet despite these new avenues , the myriad problems of being online haven’t been adequately addressed. The internet is dead, long live the internet. Before the previous web took shape and before an “always-on” and powered present, there were multiple ways to connect across boundaries and scales. Data moved by foot or mail across sneakernets, computing was time-shared so multiple users could access scarce resources, and ad hoc networks emerged from transitory LAN parties.

Drawing on practices of local-first , solar-powered servers , folk software , and permacomputing , Our Networks 2024 explores transitional technologies and forms of computing that break from always-on connectivity. Over the course of the event, we will investigate histories, tools, and approaches like these that allow us to reframe what computing could mean when the internet, and the cloud, are optional.

Presenters and Program

Over the course of a day we will cover the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE with short keynote talks, workshops, and activities on the local network. Presenters include:

  • Lori Emerson, Associate Professor of Media Studies, University of Colorado Boulder / Director, Media Archaeology Lab

View program

Sign up to give lightening talks or let us know you want to lead conversations, or host impromptu jams in available open spaces: orga@ournetworks.ca.

The conference has a Code of Conduct.


Registration is now open!

We suggest $60 with other registration levels on a sliding scale from $30-120 depending on your financial situation.

Level Price Details
Supporter $120 If your org or company is paying or your registration can be reimbursed, consider registering as organization supporter. This allows us to offer reduced cost admissions and scholarships.
General $60 Suggested registration for those employed or otherwise financially comfortable. At this rate we can sustain the event.
Reduced Cost $30 Lower cost registration for those unwaged, students, or otherwise in need of a reduced cost.

We are looking for volunteers (in return for complimentary admission) and are able to offer a limited number of scholarships, please contact us at orga@ournetworks.ca

Our Networks 2024 is part LOCALHOST, a week of events organized by The DWebYVR community between July 21st to 28th. View community events. Tickets to Our Networks includes the LOCALHOST Hack Day on July 28.

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