
Saturday, July 27

Time (PDT) Sessions
9:30 Doors Open
10:00 ↓
10:15 ↓
11:00 ↓
⌂ Reach
Workshop –
⌂ Sound
LAN Interaction
12:00 ↓
13:30 ↓
14:10 ↓
⌂ Reach & ⌂ Sound
Lightning Talks
  • Permaweb: can a website last a lifetime? – Neil Kandalgaonkar
  • Captive Cinema – Brett Ian Balogh
  • Teleporting SQLite databases around the world – Carl Sverre
  • Production self-hosting howto – Damien Norris
  • Ideas and tricks to steal from AT Protocol – Bryan Newbold
15:00 ↓
15:30 ↓
16:10 ↓
⌂ Reach
Roundtable –
⌂ Sound
17:45 ↓
18:00 ↓
19:00 ↓


Caring for the Chips: Repair and Reuse as Permacomputing

Permacomputing is a concept and practice that draws inspiration from permaculture and its values of situated, regenerative and resilient systems. Where permaculture seeks a more holistic and ecologically harmonious alternative to industrial agriculture, permacomputing challenges dominant extractive, growth-oriented approaches to computing. In this roundtable, Michelle will guide a discussion to consider computing repair and reuse cultures/futures through the perspective of permacomputing. How can permacomputing principles shape the ways we design, relate, and reckon with our computing materials? What practices of “caring for the chips” could we foster in our local networks?

DIY Infrastructure Building for Power

This interactive talk presents a model for a non-profit, educational community-owned and operated Internet access network (“community learning network”) that builds power among participants and produces a “learning commons” for in-context hands-on technical learning. Based on participant observer research conducted through the mobilization of the Seattle Community Network (SCN) and work with NYC Mesh and other CN builders from 2019 to the present, I frame DIY infrastructure building as a way of claiming power over technology within diverse settings of technological marginality. I introduce opportunities that CNs present for solidarity with Tiny House Village residents, other housing unstable or mutual aid groups, as well as Tribal and First Nations groups. I emphasize the importance of in-context “actual” problems for DIY learning and empowerment as well as access to community-of-practice resources such as tools and expert knowledge.

Future Histories of Other Networks

Lori Emerson will discuss the surprising depth and breadth of wired and wireless networks that preceded the internet and many of which still exist today. From packet radio networks to barbed wire fence phones, telefacsimile, videophone, telex, and microbroadcasting, she will talk about how we have become so accustomed to associating networks with computer networks that it is easy to forget: networks have long been deeply heterogeneous and they also have existed for nearly as long as human civilization as existed.

Software Unplugged: Rewriting the Rules with Local-First Software

Local-First software (“LoFi”) is an approach to software that boasts many advantages over the cloud, from enhanced privacy to improved collaboration without relying on the network or a specific host. This promises more user agency, lowers barriers to entry, and adds new degrees of freedom, but comes with new constraints and challenges. In this talk, Brooklyn will explore the state of LoFi today, what we can learn from its successes, and what comes next.

Tiny Dreams: Ecomedia and Small File Web Art

Join the Small File Media Festival for this interactive workshop on creating small footprint and small-file web art! Technologies and devices used for web hosting account for 3.7% of the world's carbon emissions today, and we are responding by sharing data-negligible ecomedia techniques, creative image compression pipelines, and innovative lofi media alternatives. In this workshop, learn about 'folk web' creation techniques and reclaim websites as an offline or local network medium. Draw from permacomputing philosophies and experiment with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build sustainable and accessible web content.


Brooklyn Zelenka

Indie Researcher

Brooklyn is an independent distributed systems researcher, working on next-gen tools that empower developers to easily build innovative, decentralised, and local-first applications. Her belief in open standards & open source has lead to work spanning distributed VMs (Ethereum, IPVM), local-first authorisation (UCAN, Auth-o-merge), data privacy (WebNative File System), cryptographic protocols (varsig, skip ratchet), denotational design (Witchcraft), and others. She is based beautiful, rainy in Vancouver, BC with her partner and their very fluffy cat.

Esther Han Beol Jang

Director, Local Connectivity Lab / Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Washington / Seattle Community Network

Esther is a newly graduated PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington in Seattle, and will be starting a postdoc there in the Fall. Her research focuses on both rural and urban community networks, and especially how communities of practice can build and sustain technical infrastructures. She has installed community networks in Tanzania, the Philippines, Mexico, and various states around the US. She founded and organizes the Seattle Community Network (SCN) project, which builds community-owned and maintained Internet access infrastructure to support digital equity in Seattle and Tacoma. She serves as a Director at the Local Connectivity Lab, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focusing on technology research, deployment, and teaching in support of community networks around the world. She has been a technical networking instructor for the Tribal Broadband Bootcamps since 2019. In her free time, she is an avid jazz singer and performs with the vibrant Seattle swing community.

Joni Schinkel

Engagement Coordinator, Small File Media Festival

Joni (he/they) is a web designer, artist, and arts organizer. Joni has recently produced for concept-driven sites for projects such as Deep Horse Texts (Hazel Meyer / The Bows), A Sound That Never Was (The Dim Coast), and Black Gold (Tsēmā Igharas). They were previously Co-Director at M:ST Performative Art, and are committed to supporting experimental media arts as a Co-Curator with XINEMA and Engagement Coordinator for Small File Media Festival.

The Small File Media Festival was founded in 2020 to raise awareness of the high carbon footprint of streaming media. The festival proposes alternative solutions for media practice, as well as modes of thinking otherwise in media theory, which converged in a festival of sustainable experimental media organized annually.

Lori Emerson

Associate Professor of Media Studies, University of Colorado Boulder / Director, Media Archaeology Lab

Michelle Kaczmarek

Program Manager, Share Reuse Repair Initiative

Michelle is a research and program manager based on Coast Salish territory. She is interested in how people reckon with the material impacts of their technologies. Her PhD research at UBC’s School of Information explored the efforts and aspirations of those participating in community-based repair initiatives in Metro Vancouver. With the Share Reuse Repair Initiative, Michelle’s works to bring together government, businesses, and community organisations to seek equitable paths towards more circular ways of living.